Thursday, August 22, 2013

Ubiquitous Recycling, anyone?!

Last year I traveled to Montreal on business.  Everywhere I went - to restaurants, in business offices, in my hotel room - there were multiple bins for recycling.  It was ingrained into their nature.  And we wasteful Americans use styrofoam plates and plastic flatware that we throw away each trip to the buffet (my lunch today).  Ugh, reprehensible!

We need to urge EVERYONE, that is every place of business we frequent, to provide recycling.  The American hotels I stay at frequently - they have these placards in the room purporting to be environmentally aware: if you hang up your towel we won't wash it.  That is pathetic!  The only reason they do that is because it saves them money, and that's the only reason (that and they hope it gives them good PR).

Write letters to the business owners!  I wrote e-mails to Starbuck's on Monday, and they agreed it is a great idea to put them throughout their stores (responded yesterday) and that they would bring up the idea in the next meeting.  Crazy that people use the stir sticks for a moment then toss them - and napkins, lids, cups, plates, and more.

If you don't say something, write letters, speak out - you are the problem.

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